The Dental-IQ-Biohealth-Concept relies on an interactive therapy of biological dentistry and medicine. Only this brings about a profound healing.
The concept mobilises and reactivates the natural immune system of the human being and strengthens the self-healing powers of the body. This is the basis for curing even the most serious diseases and improving the quality of life in the long term.
As you surely know, dental health is closely related to many chronic diseases.
In the following, we will inform you about our services and their procedures. Your cooperation and understanding are an important building block for successful treatment and therapy.
Amalgam in dentistry
Amalgam as a filler was and still is used to close holes caused by caries. Amalgam consists of more than 50 % mercury. Mercury is highly toxic and can spread to all parts of the body through the digestive tract. It can be deposited in organs, bones and brain and has a half-life of 18 years.
The possible health risks of amalgam are prompting more and more people to have the harmful amalgam removed.
Even in small doses, amalgam and the other metallic components of amalgam can lead to serious diseases.
Amalgam remediation therefore brings several benefits:
Professional amalgam removal under six-fold protection is the first step of the Dental-IQ Biohealth ALL IN ONE CONCEPT.
The amalgam removal under multiple protection:
The treatment at Dental-IQ-Biohealth in Oldenburg on the North Sea takes between 45 min - 1 hour per tooth. No pain or swelling is to be expected. After the anaesthesia wears off, you are fully fit again.
Small holes caused by the removal of diseased tooth substances can be sealed tightly with dental fillings. Different filling materials can be used for tooth defects caused by caries.
In dentistry, mercury-containing and therefore highly toxic amalgam is still used as a filling material. Alternatives have long been available.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we remove amalgam fillings in an amalgam restoration. Ceramic inlays replace the amalgam fillings and are bonded into the tooth as inlay fillings.
Ceramic inlays are ready-made dental fillings that are inserted into the tooth.
For filling therapy, we use so-called CEREC ceramic inlays made of all-ceramics. CEREC stands for CEramic REConstruction and is a procedure in which the teeth are precisely measured using a 3D camera. In this way, an exact model of the tooth to be treated can be created without the need for an impression. The ceramic inlay can then be designed directly on the screen, produced to fit exactly and inserted directly.
By using ceramic fillings, there are no health concerns regarding the fillers. Ceramic is a high-quality material that is well tolerated. In addition, the colour of the denture can be matched to the surrounding teeth. Ceramic fillings are therefore ideal for aesthetic dentistry and can be used for both anterior and posterior teeth. Other advantages are the long durability and pressure resistance.
Ceramic fillings have a long shelf life. They usually last ten to twelve years and thus have an advantage over amalgam, which has a durability of eight to ten years.
The removal of harmful amalgam under multiple protection is the first step of the Dental-IQ- Biohealth ALL IN ONE CONCEPT. The amalgam fillings are then replaced with our CEREC ceramic inlays.
The treatment takes between 45 min - 1 hour per tooth. No pain or swelling is expected. After the anaesthetic wears off, you are fully fit to return to work.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we gently remove ischaemic osteonecroses according to the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH- CONCEPT.
Ischaemic osteonecrosis (IO) is an inflammation of the jaw. Also known under the terms "NICO's" (English for "Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis"), FDOK's and jaw osteitis. They can lead to the complete destruction of the bone. NICOs/FDOKs often occur after a tooth extraction, due to injuries or after radiation, e.g. during cancer therapy. But they can also occur for no apparent reason. Osteonecroses represent a disturbance field and can cause serious physical and psychological complaints if they are not treated. The treatment of NICOs usually consists of the extraction of the necrotic bone area, combined with pre- and post-treatment to stabilise the immune system.
For more information on the treatment of osteonecrosis of the jaw, please contact us!
Ischaemic osteonecrosis is often associated with wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are not an uncommon problem, especially in western industrialised countries.
A reduced breastfeeding period does not allow the jaw to form large enough and wisdom teeth then do not have enough space to erupt.
The consequences: Wisdom teeth often have to be removed in a surgical procedure between the ages of 12 and 20.
This operation is usually accompanied by incomplete cleaning of the wound, an orally administered antibiotic that weakens the immune system, and severe swelling. Due to these conditions, the bone defect cannot heal completely. Therefore, ischaemic osteonecrosis or NICO occurs after 90% of all wisdom tooth surgeries.
Currently, there is no non-invasive or partially invasive therapy that is able to heal ischaemic osteonecrosis.
The minimally invasive, atraumatic but radical surgical excision of NICO according to the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH CONCEPT can achieve complete healing of the area.
With our concept, the associated symptoms and diseases such as nerve pain, facial pain, rheumatism or Lyme disease can even be completely eliminated.
The treatment of osteonecrosis of the jaw is part of the second step of dental rehabilitation and the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH ALL IN ONE CONCEPT.
To diagnose the osteonecrosis, we first take an X-ray. From four weeks before the procedure, you should take the nutritional supplement BOOST.
The osteonecroses are then removed quadrant by quadrant in the ALL-IN-ONE operation. This takes about 30 minutes per region.
After the operation, we recommend taking the BOOST food supplement again for four weeks. This promotes the healing process and stabilises your immune system.
More well-being and quality of life through aesthetic dentistry
Aesthetic dentistry is concerned with the appearance of the teeth. In addition to beautiful, white teeth, this also includes healthy gums and the functional harmony of the rows of teeth (upper and lower jaw).
Aesthetic dentistry offers various correction options for a beautiful smile.
Beautiful, aesthetic teeth play a major role in most people's lives. Self-confidence, well-being and quality of life depend on beautiful teeth. Dental aesthetics influence professional success as well as the search for a partner.
The striving for a radiant smile is therefore extremely understandable and aesthetic dentistry can be used to correct blemishes.
Pink gums in combination with beautiful white teeth are an expression of health, energy, joie de vivre and self-confidence. However, gum disease can lead to scarring, discolouration, thickening and receding gums and reduce the aesthetics of the gums.
Prophylaxis, professional teeth cleaning and the targeted treatment of periodontitis are therefore part of the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH CONCEPT and ensure optimal gum aesthetics.
We want to help maintain or restore your radiant smile. For tooth replacements, we rely on ceramic implants from SDS. These are white through and through and come very close to the natural tooth colour. In addition, the formation of bacteria and plaque, and thus the risk of gingivitis, decreases significantly with a ceramic implant - the risk of inflammation is even lower than with your own teeth.
Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH also offers crowns and inlays made of ceramic in the highest quality.
We remove simple discolourations of the tooth surfaces by means of bio-bleaching, which gently whitens the teeth and gives them back their natural whiteness.
Aesthetic dentistry is an integral part of the Dental-IQ BIOHEALTH CONCEPT. Through biological dentistry and the holistic approach, you receive biocompatible dental prostheses that are in no way inferior to other dental implants in terms of aesthetics.
At Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH we remove metals gently according to the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH-CONCEPT.
The use of metals in dentistry dates back to the 17th century. Since 1820, mercury-containing amalgam has been used as a dental filling.
The heavy metals, which are regarded as disruptive factors, burden the entire body and cause damage to the nervous system.
Metal components can be detected everywhere in the body a few days after being placed in the mouth. Mercury, gold, platinum, copper, cobalt, aluminium, iron and chromium have been shown to have cytotoxic, immunological and carcinogenic effects.
The body is burdened by metals in different ways:
Metal removel removes toxic metals from your body and relieves your immune system. Micro currents and interactions with electromagnetic fields are reduced.
The Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH CONCEPT and consistent biological dentistry is aimed at removing all harmful metals in the oral cavity and replacing them with long-term temporaries. Depending on which metals were used for your dental fillings, the following treatments are used:
The long-term temporaries initially replace the metal-loaded dental fillings and remain in the mouth for 3 to a maximum of 12 months. The long-term temporaries are 100% metal-free and thus promote detoxification. The temporary restorations are already close to the final ceramic crowns in terms of aesthetics. These are used when normal physiology has been restored.
The procedure at Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH is carried out under protective measures in order to relieve the immune system and not stress the organism.
The treatment takes between 60-90 minutes per tooth. No pain or swelling is expected. After the anaesthesia wears off, you are fully fit for work again.
At Dental-IQ BIOHEALTH we gently remove displaced or impacted wisdom teeth according to the Dental-BIOHEALTH CONCEPT.
Displaced wisdom teeth are wisdom teeth that erupt in the wrong place or in the wrong direction. Due to a lack of space in the jaw, the wisdom teeth do not erupt in the correct position. A displaced tooth can lead to further discomfort. Displaced teeth often bump against the roots of neighbouring teeth and endanger them in turn. To prevent and treat this, removal of the wisdom teeth is usually considered.
Retained teeth only manage to break through partially. They often cause reddening of the gums, swelling, pain and difficulty swallowing. Extraction is also often advised for impacted wisdom teeth.
According to biological dentistry and the Dental-IQ BIOHEALTH CONCEPT, impacted or displaced wisdom teeth are gently removed while preserving the bone. The procedure is minimally invasive in biological wisdom tooth removal.
It is not uncommon for large incisions to be made in dentistry. Swelling that prevents good healing is the result. Often, patients suffer from inflammation, so-called ischaemic osteonecrosis, after wisdom tooth extractions.
Why do wisdom teeth often have to be removed?
Since wisdom teeth are the last to erupt in the dentition, there is often no more room for them. They no longer fit regularly into the existing row of teeth. In order to avoid damage caused by them, they are then removed by the specialist dentist for oral surgery or maxillofacial surgeon.
In addition to ceramic implants, we at Dental-IQ-Biohealth also offer biological wisdom tooth removal.
We take an X-ray and discuss the upcoming procedure with you in detail. The operation then takes about 45 minutes - 1.5 hours per jaw region. Minimal to moderate swelling may occur for 2-7 days after the operation.
In preparation for the removal of displaced and impacted teeth, the dietary supplement BOOST should be taken for 4 weeks before and after the dental surgery. The supplement stabilises your immune system and promotes the healing process.
At Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH we gently remove dead teeth according to the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH-CONCEPT.
If the inside of the tooth is dead, we speak of root-treated or dead teeth. This is often caused by a lack of dental care and oral hygiene. Caries can also be the reason. The destructive process causes nerves and blood vessels to die. The tooth can no longer receive vital nutrients and dies.
Dead teeth are a burden for the organism and thus represent a so-called interference field. With every chewing process, bacteria and toxins are released into the lymphatic system of the surrounding tissue. From there, they enter the bloodstream and the entire body and can trigger many other serious secondary diseases.
Dead teeth can trigger serious diseases. Slipped discs, prostate problems, kidney problems, back problems, joint problems or even heart pain can be the result of this interference field. The root-treated tooth releases so-called "cadaver toxins" (dead protein residues) as it decomposes. These pass into the body via the bloodstream. The dead tooth has nerve-damaging and tissue-destroying effects.
The following symptoms are common in patients with root-treated teeth:
The extraction of root-treated teeth according to the Dental-IQ BIOHEALTH CONCEPT is carried out as gently as possible. The gums and bone must be completely unharmed after removal. The ligament (fibrous apparatus) that holds the root is completely removed during the operation. In this way, the brain directly realises that the tooth has been completely removed and immediately initiates the release of the corresponding bone growth factors.
For the first time, a biological solution for root-treated teeth thanks to ceramic implants from Dr. Volz. The ceramic implant made of the high-performance material zirconium dioxide replaces the dead tooth after removal.
The implant is less prone to gum inflammation than the natural tooth. Attack by caries bacteria is not possible.
The operation at Dental IQ Biohealth takes about 20 minutes per tooth. There will be no swelling. However, you should take at least 3 days off after the procedure.
To prepare for and after the procedure, the dietary supplement BOOST should be taken 2-4 weeks before and after the dental surgery. The supplement stabilises your immune system and promotes the healing process.
At Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH we gently remove titanium implants according to the Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH-CONCEPT.
Titanium implants are often used in general dentistry as tooth replacements. In case of tooth loss, the titanium implants are screwed into the jawbone. The advantages of titanium implants are their high load-bearing capacity, the fast and firm ingrowth and that they are relatively inexpensive.
However, titanium implants can also cause problems. Especially when allergies and intolerances occur. About 10-25% of the German population is allergic to metal and can no longer tolerate titanium implants.
Titanium implants release titanium oxide particles into the surrounding tissue. Every patient reacts differently to this. In the case of titanium intolerance, the patient reacts with a "parkticle-induced inflammation". In addition, the following symptoms may occur:
According to the consensus conference (2016), 80% of titanium implants are affected by gum inflammation after only 5 years. Gum inflammation in turn promotes heart disease, as the bacteria migrate via the gums towards the heart.
Titanium implants are removed stress-free during metal rehabilitation at Dental-IQ- Biohealth. With the special system (Implant Removal Set® Neobiothech) it is possible in most cases to twist the titanium implants out of the bone without provoking the usual bone defect. If the state of health permits, an all-ceramic implant can thus be inserted directly. This exchange of titanium for ceramic saves time and the new implant can be screwed directly into the same bone activity. Bone loss is avoided.
With titanium implants, the gums never grow onto the metal. This means that the "immunological door" always remains open and bacteria can colonise more easily.
Ceramic implants, on the other hand, have the special property that the gums grow onto the ceramic and thus the "immunological door" is closed. In addition, they are in no way inferior to titanium implants in terms of aesthetics.
The BOOST nutritional supplement should be taken 2-4 weeks before and after the dental surgery to prepare for and after the procedure. The procedure at Dental-IQ BIOHEALTH itself takes about 10 to 30 minutes per implant. There may be minimal swelling. After the operation you should take 3 days off and rest.
Dental-IQ-Biohealth is your CMD specialist
Jaw cracking, neck pain, headaches? A wide variety of symptoms can be caused by craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD for short). The term craniomandibular dysfunction describes misregulation of the muscle or joint function of the jaw joints. This malpositioning of the jaw is a widespread clinical picture, which, however, is often not recognised by doctors. Thus, patients often suffer for years until they are diagnosed with CMD by a specialist and can start CMD therapy.
Contact us for an appointment for CMD diagnostics.
If patients suffer from CMD, there are often many other symptoms that are often not directly attributed to the jaw and its malposition. CMD does not only cause pain in the jaw joint, but can also lead to the following other symptoms and complaints:
The masticatory apparatus is a complex system that must be extremely mobile in order to chew and speak. Teeth, jaw joints and jaw muscles should normally work together. However, if there is a malfunction, a jaw malposition develops, which leads to further complaints.
Disorders can occur when the patient grinds his or her teeth at night and presses the teeth too tightly together. This is also known as "bruxism" and is a physiological function to relieve stress. Furthermore, accidents or dentures can promote and trigger CMD.
If "craniomandibular dysfunction" is diagnosed or suspected, we can help. If a temporomandibular disorder is present, treatment follows the dysfunction of the jaw. The clinical picture is treated by special procedures developed over many years according to the biological guidelines of the Dental-IQ-Biohealth-Concept.
Functional analysis is part of CMD diagnostics. The dentist analyses and examines various malpositions, the chewing muscles, the bite position and the temporomandibular joints in order to detect the smallest changes and dysfunctions. The subsequent CMD therapy is based on the functional analysis.
Headaches are often the main symptom in CMD sufferers. This is the so-called tension headache, which starts in the back of the head and radiates to the shoulder and neck area. Patients often also perceive the pain as facial pain. Due to the incorrect loading of the temporomandibular joints, the adjacent musculature and the surrounding tissue are also subjected to greater strain, which leads to tension and ultimately to a tension headache.
CMD is not a rare disease. According to the Society for Dental Health, Function and Aesthetics (GZFA), 20% of the population is already affected by CMD symptoms that require treatment. Craniomandibular dysfunction is therefore already being described as a new widespread disease in the specialist press. The age groups 18-45 are particularly often affected by CMD, women twice as often as men. Children and adolescents are also increasingly showing CMD symptoms.
At Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH we replace metal implants with metal-free ceramic implants from SDS SWISS DENTAL SOLUTIONS for the highest standards of compatibility, health and aesthetics.
Ceramic implants made of zirconium oxide (also called zirconium oxide implants) are the trend-setting alternative to the frequently used titanium implants. The metal-free implant solution grows particularly well to the gums. The ceramic implant thus closes the gap for possible bacteria that can enter the bloodstream via the gums.
Ceramic implants are the future in implantology due to their high tolerance and high-quality nature. Ceramic implants are highly hygienic and do not release any particles into your tissue. Allergies or intolerances are not triggered.
The ceramic dental implants used at Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH were developed by the pioneer Dr.Volz and his company SWISS DENTAL SOLUTIONS. They are the best ceramic implants available on the market.
The purity of the latest two-part SDS implant generation was tested and confirmed in an elaborate, independent procedure by the CleanImplant Foundation. In October 2021, this uncompromising surface quality was awarded a certificate.
The use of ceramic implants according to the Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH-CONCEPT is carried out in our clinic according to the ALL IN ONE concept. It offers the unique possibility of removing interference fields such as metal implants, ischaemic osteonecrosis or root-treated teeth in just one treatment and inserting ceramic implants at the same time.
This allows the immune system to do a perfect, supportive job in recovery. Systemic stress is eliminated and the implants can heal reliably. At the same time, they meet the highest demands in terms of aesthetics and health.
Ceramic implants are a lifelong solution with proper dental care and oral hygiene. On average, however, they last at least 15-20 years. We therefore recommend that you pay particular attention to your oral hygiene. Have any inflammations or diseases treated immediately.
Ceramic implants are naturally white and come very close to the natural tooth colour. They are highly aesthetic. This tooth replacement gives you back your most beautiful smile.
As a rule, the ceramic implants take at least three to six months to heal. Depending on the bone quality and the individual healing process, the healing process (osseointegration) takes different lengths of time. We will inform you about this individually after your operation.
Implantology at Dental-IQ- BIOHEALTH
Supplementary micronutrient supplements should be taken for four weeks before and after the zirconia implant procedure. These promote healing and stabilise your immune system by supplying the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs.
The procedure takes about 15 minutes per implant. There may be minimal swelling. You should take it easy and not work for 3 days after the treatment.
Bone augmentation at Dental-IQ-Biohealth is as minimally invasive and tissue-conserving as possible.
Bone augmentation measures may be necessary if there is not enough bone left to anchor implants in the jaw. This is often necessary for our patients if they have undergone an extraction not according to the Dental-IQ-BIOHEALTH-CONCEPT. With immediate implantation according to the Dental-IQ-Biohealth-Concept, bone augmentation measures can almost always be avoided. Immediate implantation increases the metabolism in the bone, the meridians are activated and the implant heals faster in the extraction socket.
For more information on the topic of sinus lift, please contact us!
If bone augmentation is necessary, sinus floor elevation, also called sinus lift, is used. This is a special surgical method in oral surgery in which the bony floor of the maxillary sinus, which is too thin, is thickened.
In sinus floor elevation, the sinus floor, which supports the roots of the upper jaw molars, is carefully detached from the bone through a small opening, lifted and the resulting cavity is filled with bone replacement material. The natural bone can then attach itself to this replacement material. The bone volume is gained through the thickening and implants can be firmly anchored.
Depending on the remaining bone substance, there are different sinus lift procedures that can be used:
If only a small amount of bone (2-3 mm) needs to be added, the internal sinus lift is used. In this procedure, drilling is only done just below the cortical floor of the maxillary sinus so that the maxillary sinus is not injured. Then, for the remaining length to the implant tunnel, the jawbone is prepared with an osteotome (medical instrument for cutting through bone) and the maxillary sinus floor (Schneider membrane) is slightly lifted and then relined with bone material. The internal sinus lift is a minimally invasive procedure with only minor swelling.
The minimally invasive Intralift™ procedure uses high-frequency oscillating piezo instruments (Crestal Approach Sinus Kit). These do not rotate and thus minimise the risk of injury to soft tissue. The Intralift™ procedure can also be used when much more bone is missing and needs to be built up.
The external sinus lift is used when more than 3 mm of bone height needs to be gained. The procedure is more complex compared to the internal sinus lift. First, a bone window is created by opening the gum and exposing the maxillary sinus wall. This bone window is then prepared using ultrasonic instruments or fine burs until the sinus floor is reached. The sinus floor is then carefully pushed upwards so that the artificially created cavity can in turn be filled with bone substitute material.
In preparation for the bone augmentation procedure, the BOOST nutritional supplement should be taken 4 weeks before the procedure. The procedure takes 1 - 1.5 hours per region. There may be minimal to moderate swelling for 2-7 days. You should take at least 5 days off after the procedure and should not fly, dive, play sports or air instruments for at least 3 weeks. For aftercare, you should continue to take BOOST for 4 weeks. It promotes the healing process and stabilises your immune system.
Bone augmentation is necessary when the bone substance is not sufficient to hold the dental implant. In addition, the more time that has elapsed between tooth loss and implant placement, the greater the likelihood of bone augmentation.
There is a period of 3 to 6 months between bone augmentation and placement of the implant. So-called Bone Growing Implants® are used, which optimally support bone growth due to their increased biocompatibility and allow bone to grow both in height and width.
Minimal to moderate swelling may occur over 2-7 days. We recommend cooling measures and physical rest for the patient.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we use aesthetic and metal-free monolithic ceramic crowns
Metal-free ceramic dental crowns
A crown is a dental prosthesis that is attached and bonded to the tooth stump when a tooth is lost. Crowns can be made of plastic, metal or ceramic.
The advantage of ceramic is that it is metal-free and therefore does not cause allergies. In addition, the colour of ceramic crowns is very close to that of natural teeth. The aesthetic crowns also have the advantage that they do not discolour or wear off. This makes them long lasting. When we talk about ceramic crowns, we usually mean all-ceramic crowns and not veneer crowns. All-ceramic crowns are made entirely of ceramic, while veneer crowns have a metal framework that is veneered with ceramic. Biological dentistry does not use metals and thus uses all-ceramic crowns.
Monolithic all-ceramic crowns from Dental-IQ-Biohealth
For more information on our metal-free ceramic crowns, please contact us!
Ceramic crowns and the Dental IQ Biohealth Concept
According to the Dental-IQ- Biohealth-Concept we use monolithic all-ceramic crowns. The ceramic crowns are used after the metal removal, if a healthy situation could be achieved via the long-term provisional.
Advantages of monolithic ceramic crowns
The advantages of ceramic crowns at a glance:
Procedure of the treatment at Dental-IQ- Biohealth
No preparation is necessary for the use of ceramic crowns. The procedure at Dental-IQ Biohealth takes 5 - 45 min. per tooth (in 1 session). No pain or swelling is expected.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth, we use Choukroun A-PRF™ to produce biological tissues.
Choukroun A-PRF™ is the simplest way to use natural regeneration to produce biological tissue: Here, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient and centrifuged. The result is a suspension with a highly concentrated proportion of blood platelets (thrombocytes). These platelets contain the information for the formation of new tissue. After 15 minutes, the membrane is ready for insertion. The resulting matrix of platelets, leukocytes and plasma contains highly concentrated growth factors (PDGF, TGF, VEGF, EGF, FGF-1 and FGF-2) and thus all the ingredients for optimising and accelerating the healing phase and bone regeneration. Choukroun A-PRF™ technology is 100% autologous in origin and therefore fully biocompatible.
In combination with ozone therapy, it is an integral part of all surgical procedures in our practice and is used both after tooth removal, implantations, for bone reconstruction and as an insert after NICO removal. The regeneration of bone and soft tissue is phenomenal due to the use of the body's own membrane.
When injured, the human body helps itself by producing proteins that accelerate wound healing. This process is used in the production of natural tissues - these very proteins and growth factors are isolated from the patient's own blood by centrifugation and then used to accelerate healing.
The matrix obtained by the PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) method contains, in addition to proteins, a particularly large number of white blood cells in which important information for tissue formation is stored - a decisive advantage in the healing process of the tissue to be regenerated.
The treatment is completely natural, only 100% autologous material is used. This means that the tissue to be regenerated can be healed or even replaced without having to use additives such as anticoagulants.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we use ozone for wound disinfection
Ozone (O3) is a colourless to blue gas and can be used as a disinfectant for wound cleansing and germ reduction in the oral cavity due to its bactericidal, fungicidal and virus-inactivating properties.
The bactericidal effect is based on irreversible oxidation by oxygen radicals. This oxidation inactivates the cell walls of microorganisms, cytoplasmic membranes and individual groups in bacterial enzymes. In addition to the disinfecting effect, ozone has a positive effect on the rheological properties of the blood. Bleeding is stimulated more, which in turn leads to better healing.
Ozone is used in our practice for all surgical procedures (tooth removal, implantation of ceramic implants, NICOs).
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we use PIEZOSURGERY® technology for minimally invasive surgery.
The special ultrasound micro-vibrations of PIEZOSURGERY® technology cut bone - and nothing else. Soft tissue is not injured. PIEZOSURGERY® works with a precision that not only makes surgical work as easy as possible, but also keeps post-operative pain to a minimum.
PIEZOSURGERY® offers micrometric incisions: For minimally invasive operations with maximum surgical precision and intraoperative sensitivity.
PIEZOSURGERY® protects any type of soft tissue: nerves, vessels and membranes are not affected during the cutting of the bone. Thus, PIEZOSURGERY® guarantees maximum safety for surgeons and patients.
PIEZOSURGERY® offers maximum visibility: The cavitation effect of the ultrasound movements ensures a completely blood-free field of vision during the operation.
For more information on our
PIEZOSURGERY® technology, please contact us!
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth we take care of chronic inflammation in the body.
While acute illnesses occur quickly, suddenly and usually with pain, the causes of chronic illnesses are often not entirely clear. Chronic diseases are often bland (mild, non-irritant, slow) and are therefore in the vast majority of cases incidental findings. The concept of focal infection (originating from a disease focus) is scientifically well documented in connection with dental foci.
It is known, for example, that bacteria from periodontitis particularly affect the heart, cause insulin resistance and thus promote diabetes, increase the risk of heart attack, etc. Even an increased probability of premature births could be proven.
Bacteria of dead teeth, which show an inflammation at the root tip, produce toxins, so-called hydrogen sulphide compounds, which lead to an irreversible inhibition at the active centre of many vital endogenous enzymes and can thus cause a variety of systemic and organ diseases.
Chronic inflammations in the jawbone, so-called NICOs, also damage the organism, mainly through special inflammatory and cell mediators (cytokines, especially IL1ra, RANTES, MCP-1, FGF2). Amalgam fillings and metals can also act as an interference field via the material itself, but also via the oral microbiome that is successively changed by them.
Our teeth are organs in their own right with their own blood, lymph and nerve supply and are part of the body's complex network. Our teeth and the entire periodontal apparatus (together=odonton) have a relationship to other organs and systems in our body. These interrelationships are shown on the meridian chart according to Voll and Kramer. Interference fields can be visualised using a 3D image or kinesiologically tested.
The safest method for diagnosing silent inflammations is the ultrasound examination with CaviTAU.
With a test injection of a special anaesthetic, a decoupling between the tooth and the corresponding organ can be stimulated by means of the viscerocutaneous reflex. The symptoms are then observed and documented for 24 hours. Often, a so-called second phenomenon (Huneke) even occurs on the spot. Especially in the case of shoulder-arm syndrome, this often leads to spontaneous improvement. The effect should last for at least 8 hours in order to be able to precisely verify the tooth as an interference.
Interfering fields should be carefully verified and then removed and replaced with biocompatible materials using a biological treatment concept (protective measures for metal/amalgam removal, disinfection with ozone, use of A-PRFTM membranes, etc.).
Minimally invasive dental care to improve tooth structure, gums, tongue and soft tissue in one session.
Professional tooth cleaning at the dentist serves as a preventive measure against caries, periodontitis and tooth loss. It also supports the smoothing and mineralisation of the teeth and, last but not least, helps to maintain a healthy oral flora. Tooth cleaning also has a positive effect on the aesthetics of the teeth. Following the treatment, the patient can expect smoother tooth surfaces as well as significantly brighter and shinier teeth.
We rely on natural materials for our organic teeth cleaning. By using bio-compatible preparations and gentle substances, allergic reactions are virtually excluded.
At Dental-IQ-Biohealth, professional tooth cleaning is one of the main components of dental prophylaxis. We perform this gently and as minimally invasive as possible.
Especially patients with periodontitis, periimplantitis, amalgam fillings and metal-based inlays or crowns used to have their teeth cleaned extensively. Often the gums were not healthy and calculus, plaque and tartar accumulated in the gum pockets, which had to be removed with maximally invasive treatment methods.
However, after restoration with our biocompatible ceramic implants and all-ceramic restoration, as well as successful supplementation with vitamins and minerals, the bone and gums are absolutely healthy again, making maximally invasive methods unnecessary. Dental preventive prophylaxis at Dental-IQ-Biohealth involves minimally invasive removal of bacterial plaque from tooth and implant pockets. This treatment safely and gently cleans teeth, dental implants, soft tissue and restorations.
Dental plaque, or biofilm, on the teeth, tongue and hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity is quite normal. The thin layer of mucus adheres to the teeth and is responsible for the development of caries and periodontitis. These dental diseases can in turn lead to secondary diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or arthritis.
Regular removal of plaque by means of your own thorough dental hygiene as well as professional dental cleaning is therefore important and recommended.
Professional teeth cleaning can be carried out together with bleaching or separately. In principle, however, the dental cleaning is a prerequisite for the bleaching treatment.